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Friday, October 14, 2022

Best diet plan for Weight loss.

 If you have been looking for diet plans for weight loss, it is likely that you have heard of intermittent fasting. This dietary strategy cycles between periodic durations of fasting and eating. There are various forms of intermittent fasting. One of them is the 16/8 method, the idea behind the 16/8 method of intermittent fasting is to limit calorie intake to just eight hours a day. Another method of intermittent fasting is the 5:2 method. This method works by restricting the daily calorie intake to 500 to 600 calories twice a week. The basic principle of this diet plan includes limiting the time, you are allowed to consume food. This is one of the easiest methods to incorporate timely eating while managing calorie intake.

Health benefits of Intermittent fasting:

While intermittent fasting is primarily one of the most favored diet plans for weight loss, it has several other health benefits that include:

  • Anti-aging effects
  • Improved insulin sensitivity
  • Better brain health
  • Promotes heart health 
  • Enhances overall immunity and metabolism
  • Extends lifespan 
  • Systematic weight management
  • best weight loss product


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